
Free Guide: The Closing Chapter – A practical guide to help deal with the death and estate of close family or friends (click here to download 404KB PDF)

Making a Will

Ensure your assets and loved ones are protected by creating a Will. Discover the importance of making a Will, what you can include, who to appoint as executor and considerations for your funeral arrangements. Our experienced law firm is here to guide you through the process.

Employee or something else? Why it matters

Individuals or groups who claim to be employees, when their “employers” say they are not, is a contentious issue. Employees have rights that contractors and volunteers do not, such as annual leave, minimum wage, and personal grievances. Employers who classify workers incorrectly may face legal and financial consequences

Employment Law in a time of COVID-19: Redundancies

Covid 19 Employment Law

Employment relations has been one of many areas of life in New Zealand that had been significantly affected by COVID-19.

Buying or selling a property with ‘vacant possession’?

Vacant Possession

Houses and other properties are often sold with ‘vacant possession’.  So, what is ‘vacant possession’?

Commercial contracts in the COVID-19 lock-down

COVID-19 lock-down

Commercial contracts often have clauses that apply when a significant event or change beyond the control of the parties occur.  These clauses are known amongst lawyers as “force majeure” clauses.

Leases in the COVID-19 lockdown

Leases in the COVID-19 lockdown

The current COVID-19 lockdown means that many tenants of commercial premises cannot access their premises even though the premises have not been damaged or destroyed.

What is a Confidentiality Agreement?

confidentiality non disclosure agreements

In business, you may be in a situation where you require information known to two parties to be kept confidential. Read more to find out about non-disclosure agreements.

Tax Working Group Releases Anticipated Report: Recommends Broad Capital Gains Tax

Capital Gains Tax

In February, the Tax Working Group released their final report and, as expected, recommend that New Zealand introduced a capital gains tax.

Avoiding A Contracting Out Agreement For A Breach

pre nup contracting out agreement

A contracting out agreement or as its better known – a prenup – enables parties to a relationship to determine how their property is divided if the relationship fails.

Guarantees and Indemnities – What, Why and How?

Guarantees and Indemnities

A guarantee provides for the most part, surety in the case of an agreement between two parties.
Guarantees and indemnities can be an area of law which cause confusion and uncertainty to many.